Current Projects

QSOMatch is a software as a service (SaaS) platform that allows amateur radio operators from around the world to match and schedule contacts. Each user defines various operating profiles such as geographic, grid, bands and modes capabilities, as well as QSL preferences. Then, the operator defines each of his/her contact needs.

What is a contact need? Well, let’s assume an operator needs to contact an operator in the country of Ecuador on 20 meters using CW to complete one of the requirements for a particular certificate or diploma. To create contact need, the operator defines in the app a need as “country=Ecuador” on “band=20 meters” and “mode= CW” as a need. Once defined, the operator has the ability to instantly determine if other operators match this need.

During the matching process, QSOMatch compares the operator’s contact need to the profiles of all operators in the application database. Any operators that live in Ecuador and that are capable of making a CW contact on 20 meters are reported as matches for the contact need. It’s just that simple.

Once operators are matched, QSOMatch allows messaging between the operators, along with a sophisticated scheduling component that takes the guesswork out of international dates and times. During the actual contact attempt, Pro users may use the applications integrated chat system to communicate directly with the other operator to coordinate the contact. All of the tools you need to manage and complete a QSO are integrated and coordinated for your convenience.

Amateur Radio Press is the “publishing arm” of PC Information Group, Inc. PCIG has been in the publishing business since 1989 and has developed and distributed numerous technical journals, magazines, buyers guides, and software applications during this time.

Amateur Radio Press continues our 35 year-plus publishing tradition by extending our reach into the area of amateur radio-related content and software-as-a-service (SaaS) cloud-based applications. Detailed below are the initial product offerings of Amateur Radio Press.

To be released in late summer 2024, Developing Cost Effective Websites for
Non-Profit Amateur Radio Organization
, is a comprehensive guide created for amateur radio organizations to assist them in planning, creating new, and/or updating an existing club website. Real world advice is accompanied by planning and scheduling checklist that will guide you through the evaluation and execution processes. More importantly, the book introduces a new web design technique that greatly reduces the costs of a new or updated club website, when compared to the costs of building a typical multi-page site that is hard to update and maintain.